Monday, March 28, 2011

Nothing Worth Doing Is Easy

So a lot has happened in the last two weeks.  I'll start with my visit to the dietitian. I decided that having a rough guide to the number of carbs I should eat wasn't enough.  After a month of gaining weight for no reason (AGAIN) I decided I needed to do something.  I called my endocrinologist and got a recommendation for a dietitian that focuses on Diabetes/Endocrine Issues.  Awesome!

Let me tell you, it was an amazing experience.  She knew that I was knowledgeable on nutrition, exercise, good carbs vs. bad carbs, how to read NI, etc.  So she focused on the carbs, calories, fats and proteins my body needs to function like a "normal" person.  I need less carbs, broken out throughout the day evenly - 30g at each meal, 15g for each snack - totaling 135g.  I need more fat and protein eaten with the carbs AND I need to EAT MORE CALORIES...gasp! Prior to this meeting, I was eating anywhere between 1300-1400 calories on a good day...I need to be eating at least 1550, but preferably 1600. WOW...what a difference.

After just over a week following the dietitian's advice, I feel awesome! I didn't realize you weren't supposed to wake up joke. Every morning my stomach would be growling. What was I thinking!?!

This week...I lost 2.4 pounds!!!

Something else I realized is that getting a toned, healthy body isn't going to be easy.  It's going to take more than going to the gym and doing cardio and *some* weights. It's going to take some hard core, painful workouts. Will they be fun...heck no! Will they be worth it...heck YES! When I can look in the mirror and see some definition in my abs, or my legs, or my arms and be proud of how I look, every drop of sweat, every thought of "I can't do another rep", will be worth it.

I went to the trainer two weeks ago to get a new routine of all free weights and body weight exercises. I've only done one day of arms.  It scared me to feel weak after spending months on the weight machines.  Well, it's time to suck it up and just do it (Nike really has something with that slogan)!

I know I won't feel this positive every day, and life will get in the way of gym workouts and eating right.  The difference is not letting one day away from the gym/working out effect the next day, or the day after.  If I *only* make it to the gym or workout from home 3 days a week...I WORKED OUT 3 DAYS!!!

So many times I think we focus on the negative, what we didn't accomplish or didn't do.  I think we all need to start looking at what we have accomplished, no matter how small! Did you get ONE workout in this week, did you track ONE day? Well, awesome job! Now work on making it TWO days.

We can do it!

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