Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Resolutions?

The truth is, if I made New Year's resolutions, this years would look eerily similar to the last.  Lose weight, exercise more, cook healthier meals, etc.  This year is different though.  I have started this blog as part of this "new year, new me".  This year I realize that I want a healthier me, this is true, but I need to make it fit into my life, I need to change the way I eat and the way I work out so it works for me. 

This blog is meant to allow me to write about my journey, about making healthier choices and learning to work exercise into my DAILY routine.  I have been told by doctors that I need to limit carbs to 100-120 grams per day due to a diagnosis of PCOS.  I need to stop looking at this as a low carb diet to help me lose weight (that I can cheat on) and view it as a low carb diet because otherwise my body will not function properly (no cheating allowed). 

PCOS was a hard diagnosis for me.  It came after years of not feeling healthy and of constantly feeling exhausted and run down.  I knew something was really wrong when I gained 15 pounds in 6 weeks while following Weight Watchers and exercising.  Something had to give, so I went back to the doctor and broke down.  I was sent to an Endocrinologist and 7 months later I feel exponentially better.  Unfortunately the weight is still clinging to my bones and even with meds, it refuses to let go. 

I just want to feel good about myself again, going on a "diet" and working out every single day for an hour is not sustainable for me.  It is not something I could stick to for the rest of my life, so why try it now.  Here is my plan, it is simple, yet will be a challenge for me:

- Cook one meal a week from a brand new recipe
- Concentrate on whole, fresh foods and clean eating
- Limit my carbs, especially at dinner, per doctor's orders
- Work out at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes to 1 hour
- Get some kind of exercise the rest of the week (15 minute walk, 15 minute exercise bike, something small)

These things will not happen overnight, I don't think that next week I will be getting in some kind of activity I think I will slowly work up to it.  I will start with one new recipe a week and I hope to build that to 2 or 3.   These things are sustainable for me.  They are things I can do to make this a lifestyle and not just a "diet"

I will continue to follow the new Points Plus program on Weight Watchers and I truly hope thinking about creating a healthier me rather than me on a diet will make a difference in my success.

I hope this blog will allow me to write about my awesome recipe finds, my daily struggles, and my successes. A way to keep me accountable to the Internet gods and my readers.  I also hope that this will help those people who may feel overwhelmed with the idea of a diet, or trying to lose weight in a short period of time.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blogging world!

    I like the goals that you made yourself

    You're right, it is a lifestyle so just keep at it. there are ups and downs, but the important part is that we dont let food control our life. I'm still struggling getting used to the new points plus & staying motivated to track points. I look forward to reading!
